Speculation W o r d s I m a g e s S o u n d s
This index page (crude
as it is) temporarily substitutes for the "real" page; which
is suffering from severe java sickness. Ok, so to be more accurate -it's
geo, your humble host who is suffering with some confounding java code
errors. I make no claims as to my programming skills, or lack thereof.
Otherwise, all of the content within the orbit of this domain has been
assembled here as a sort of windowed holding bin from which to preview
and access projects and works-in-progress awaiting further refinement,
collaboration and style from the wondrous souls within the gravity of LIGHTsource
Productions. Stay connected to this site and hEartherapy
for news about upcoming projects, products, events and services from the
world of sound; for the world IS sound...
all content within this domain copyright © 1999 geo seaman.