Spring Leans On Summer
As She Cleans Her Toes Of Mud
Winter Dreams of Her

                    exchanging patterns of infinite presence
                    as seasonal change of the minds which observe
                    sketch hours shared in meadows blessed green
                                                                   it just happens

there has rarely been a more

perfect time to live
                                                    perfect time to die
      joyful time to give
                                                    significant time to cry
               profound desire to be
                                      living each moment free
                                                 wisely embracing this incongruity

        a river gathers heat
       aroma sends the message
        I taste your skin ~ so sweet

        two bodies painted dark
        satiate as one
        a sacred sort of sustenance
        has truly just begun

        radiant vessels turn to ember
        our skin proffers the chocolate essence
        it mingles with the love we share
        resplendent in luminescence

        blissfully homeward, drifting from above
        to be snuggled in the cradle where the Creator first gazed
        into the infant eyes of love

there is an AIR about my late spring birth
and roots do run deep when i touch the EARTH
the sun feeds me heat, kindling desire
passion so immense, i know there is FIRE
wind upon WATER can cuddle the tides
and whisper with warmth where our softness collides
a breeze is the silent, surreptitious tool
which ripples still waters of the feminine pool

lazy. lounging. lingering in the mellow,
yellow sunlight
an illuminated essence dazzles the brook side life
a flowered blouse lies open in the breeze
tall grasses where we lay tease the child within her

long, free of care hair that mates wind like a kite
carries me back to another time
where Paris forever remains last spring
and reverie reveals the sidewalk cafe
from which passers paused to try her colors on canvas

enigmatic magic smiles on her soul
with breath of poets and the shade of Monet
the warm afternoon foolish to measure
lingers as such for those she is near

her musical laughter is easily shared
and her joyful presence is in knowing God cared.
{written shortly after my first experience of Debussy's "Girl With The Flaxen Hair" in high school}

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all poems and writings on this page written by geo seaman unless otherwise specified.